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6 Tools You Can't Miss If You're A Coach

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

If you're a coach, you know that there are many things you need to do to run your business and make it successful.

Onboarding new clients is an important part of establishing a successful relationship with them. By providing clear instructions, you're setting up a strong foundation for the future of your business relationship. This is the best way to ensure that they understand your processes and how you expect them to interact with your services. Clear instructions also help to reduce any confusion or misunderstandings that may arise in the future.

So I use tools like Active Campaign and Canva to automate my marketing efforts and save time for things like working with clients (and celebrating each day with coffee!).

As a coach, you rely on your tools to help you run your business efficiently and effectively. From managing your client relationships to creating content to scheduling calls and meetings, the right tools can make the difference between success and failure.

In this blog post, we'll take a look at 6 essential tools you can't miss if you're a coach. We'll cover everything from marketing automation to design software to video conferencing and more. So let's jump in and explore these 6 tools: Active Campaign, Canva, Kajabi, Zapier, Zoom, and Calendly.

Active Campaign

An active Campaign is a great tool for email marketing. It can be used to send out newsletters, and it can also be used for lead generation. You can create automated campaigns, set up drip campaigns, and track open rates.

With an effective email marketing campaign, you can build a database of customers, generate sales leads and promote your business. You can also use email marketing as a way to segment your audience based on interests and send out personalized messages that are relevant to them.


Canva is an online design tool that uses drag-and-drop to create designs. You can use it to create social media images, blog posts, presentations, and more. It has a library of free photos and fonts, as well as templates that you can customize to fit your needs. Canva also offers paid subscription plans with additional features like access to stock photos and design elements (like icons). If you're looking for something simpler than Photoshop but still want some customization options--or if you just need something fast--this is an excellent option for creating graphics for your business.


Kajabi is a platform for building membership sites, which are websites that you can use to sell your products and services. It's easy to use and has a lot of features. Kajabi also offers some great integrations with other tools, like ActiveCampaign (a tool we'll talk about later). You can use Kajabi as your main website builder or as part of your existing workflow--it's up to you!

I recommend getting started with their free trial so that you can see if it works well for your needs before making any final decisions. Kajabi is best for people who want to create a membership site but don't want to spend money on a tool like LeadPages. It's also good if you're looking for an all-in-one solution that includes tools for hosting, email marketing, and more.


Zapier is a tool that connects different apps together, allowing you to set up automated tasks. For example, let's say you want all your subscribers who sign up for your email list through Active Campaign to automatically be added to MailChimp (another email marketing tool). You could create a Zap that does this for you, so every time someone signs up from AC and enters their email address in the form field on the AC side of things, it gets sent over to MC, where it will be added as a subscriber.

Zaps work by connecting two or more channels (you can see them listed under "Channels" in your account) and then set actions based on what happens within those channels. For example: If A happens, then B should happen automatically.


Zoom is a video conferencing tool that allows you to host meetings with your team in real-time. You can also use Zoom for audio calls, screen sharing, and whiteboarding.

When you're ready to go public with your business, Zoom will be there with customer service software that helps keep customers happy by answering their questions quickly--and helping them understand what they need from you for the relationship to work best for both parties involved.

Zoom is the perfect software for you if you're a small business owner looking to create a video conferencing tool that allows you to host meetings with your team in real time. You can also use Zoom for audio calls, screen sharing, and whiteboarding.


Calendly is a tool that helps you schedule meetings with people. It's especially useful for coaches because it allows you to send out invites and then track whether or not the invitee has accepted the meeting.

If you want to schedule a call or meeting with someone using Calendly:

  • Create an account on Calendly by going here and clicking "Sign Up Free." You'll need an email address (preferably one that does not have your name in it). Once you've signed up, log into your account as well as into Zapier (a tool we'll talk about below).

  • Click on "Create New Calendar" or "Create New Appointment" depending on what kind of event/appointment/meeting it is that needs scheduling--either way will work! Then fill out all the information needed for this event: who it's with (the person receiving an invite) when it occurs (the date), where it takes place (the location), etc...

Once you've filled out all of the details, click on "Create Calendar" or "Create Appointment." This will create an event or appointment that shows up in your calendar or planner. Now it's time to send out invites using Zapier!

As a coach, you have a lot on your plate. And if you're like me, you want to be able to spend as much time as possible working with your clients and building your business--not managing it. These tools will help you do just that!

Having the right tools for your coaching business can save you time and money while allowing you to scale your operations and provide greater service to your clients. Active Campaign, Canva, Kajabi, Zapier, Zoom, and Calendly are six of the must-have tools you should consider if you're a coach.

Each of these tools has its own unique features that make them powerful resources for running your business efficiently. With the right combination of these tools, you can focus more on delivering value and building an empire from the comfort of your home.

Are you ready to take your coaching business to the next level? Let me help you get there! I'm here to offer my support and expertise - just reach out to me, and we can get started on streamlining your business together! Click here

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