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Thrive as a coach and offload these tasks to a VA

As a coach, you know the value of your own time. As a business owner, you know how time-consuming tasks affect productivity. But what if I told you there are methods to delegate these responsibilities to others so that you have more time and can handle them better?

Coaches are often busy with many tasks - hiring someone to help can be worthwhile.

When you're a coach, there are a ton of different things that you might be working on. You may have clients to schedule and email, articles to write, social media content to create and manage, products/services to promote - the list goes on.

As someone who has been in the coaching industry for years now, I can attest that it's easy for even the most organized people to get overwhelmed with all this stuff! It's even harder when you find yourself doing these tasks while also trying to run your business (and life).

Luckily, there's an excellent solution: hiring a virtual assistant!

A VA can help you with whatever tasks are getting in the way of what matters: improving lives through coaching services. By relieving some of the stress, they'll help you save time and allow you to concentrate on what's most important: developing personally and successfully running a successful enterprise overall.

General administrative tasks.

A coach may assign any of the following duties, which are among the most often and important:

  • Email management. You must use a calendar system to manage your time so you only book appointments or meetings with available slots.

  • Email filtering. You may need tools like Boomerang or Sanebox to process your inbox automatically, senders and subjects into specific folders based on rules you set up (or let them do the work for you). This way, when someone sends an email that requires follow-up or doesn't require immediate attention, it will go into a folder where it can be addressed later without clogging up your inbox—and without requiring any thought from you!

  • Task management CRM such as Trello or Asana is also helpful for keeping track of action items from various projects throughout the day/week/month/year; these apps allow users to create boards where they can list their projects in columns ranging from "in progress" through "completed." Then within those columns, they can add individual cards detailing specific actions required by each project; each card has its due date, so users know exactly when they need to complete particular jobs before moving on to others within their workflow processes (such as creating proposals).

Calendar management.

Virtual assistants can be helpful during the scheduling process. They can schedule appointments, conference calls, and webinars for you or even set up travel arrangements.

Prepare reports and presentations.

If you're a coach, you have your hands full. You might be at the office most of the day, but then you'll have to travel for conferences or seminars. It's pretty awesome that you want to expand your firm and connect with industry peers, but it's also crucial to avoid working too hard on your own at the risk of burning out.

To focus on what is most important, you can assign some of these responsibilities to a virtual assistant. Providing quality services for your clients or students!

Some examples of tasks that are good candidates for delegation include:

  • Preparing reports and presentations

  • Planning meetings, conferences, and seminars

  • Holding webinars and workshops


Research is a broad category that can include tasks like:

  • Finding contact information for someone in your target market.

  • Gathering industry statistics on a topic relevant to your business or coaching focus.

  • Tracking down the best resources on any given subject.

Take notes at meetings, conferences, and seminars.

You can use a virtual assistant to take notes at meetings, conferences, and seminars. Taking notes is perhaps the most efficient way to learn. It's a great way to prompt your memory as well.

Taking notes during a meeting also ensures that you're paying attention and getting all the necessary information. If something comes up related to something else that was said, jot it down, so you don't forget it later in the conversation or when preparing for a presentation.

Write and edit documents.

If you are a coach, there are tasks you can delegate to a virtual assistant. Writing and editing documents is one of them. This can help your business run more smoothly if you want to save time.

How do I find a virtual assistant who can write and edit documents?

To find a virtual assistant who can write and edit documents, look at sites like Upwork or Guru that connect freelancers with clients. Ask people in your community if they know anyone who could be available for this kind of work.

It's always amazing when someone already in your network knows someone interested in working with you! Here are some signs to check for when searching for someone:

  • They have experience writing or editing materials (like blog posts or ebooks).

  • They have good communication skills (this will come into play later).

Bookkeeping accounts payable and accounts receivable.

Bookkeeping and accounting. If you are an accountant or bookkeeper, chances are that you have some virtual assistant at your side who is helping you with this task.

Accounts payable and receivable. The same goes for accounts payable and receivable; it's often outsourced to a virtual assistant.

Invoice clients.

If you're a coach, there are several responsibilities that a virtual assistant can handle for you as a coach. Many of the most crucial tasks are client billing.

It's essential to make sure your client gets paid on time and in full. To do this, it's wise to set up a billing system and send out invoices promptly after each session or project ends. You should also be prepared for late payments by having good records of all services provided and outstanding balances due from past clients.


Payroll is a common task to delegate. You need to know how much you will pay your assistant, how much tax you will have to pay, and how much you will have to pay your assistant. You also need to consider if your team members will be paid hourly or on salary, when the payroll should be done, bi-weekly or monthly, and whether bonuses should be included in their paychecks.

Social media management.

One of the most vital factors you can do for your business is social media management, so it's a good idea to delegate this task to someone who knows what they're doing. A VA can help you with a variety of social media tasks, including:

  • Plan and execute a social media strategy.

  • Manage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other networks (depending on what kind of business you run).

  • Creating content such as videos and photos that are shareable on social platforms.

For example, suppose your business sells sports equipment online. In that case, these tools will help you create engaging promotional materials like animated GIFs or animations that encourage people watching them to click through to your website or buy something right now.

Create online marketing, email campaigns, and newsletter.

Establishing relationships with your customers through email marketing is quite effective. You can use it to announce new products and services, promote webinars, or even send customers information about their purchases.

A virtual assistant familiar with email marketing software can help you manage your campaigns effectively, such as setting up autoresponders that automatically respond when someone signs up for an upcoming workshop or event.

They'll also be able to handle the writing of subject lines that are specific enough for each of your subscribers, so they know exactly what they're going to get when opening the email but are still enticing sufficient that they want to click through and read what you have to say.

Try hiring a virtual assistant to take on the tasks you don't enjoy.

You're a coach, but you can do some things yourself. So that you have more time and energy to focus on the things that matter most, virtual assistants are excellent at taking on jobs that you don't love and paying attention to what matters most. If a VA is going to be working with your clients, they should have a background check to ensure they are trustworthy and competent.

A virtual assistant can help with weekly tasks such as organizing your calendar, sending out invoices and contracts, responding to emails or calls in real-time (saving phone minutes), filing records for taxes, researching projects related to your business (like finding the best products for clients), editing audio/video recordings for marketing purposes, etc.

VAs can also assist with seasonal tasks like Christmas cards or newsletters throughout the year – even if it's just once per quarter! A VA will also save money since they can perform these jobs at a lower rate than other professionals would charge – especially in light of the time and work that each task requires!

Virtual assistants can also help with more significant projects, such as creating a new website, an online course, or even writing a book! Hiring someone to handle these tasks might be worthwhile if you need more time or finances to do it yourself.


I hope this article has given insight into how to hire a virtual assistant and why this could help you grow your business. Suppose you're serious about growing your coaching business. In that case, feel free to book a call with me!— especially if you need assistance with branded content, general administration, and social media management.

If you aren't sure if this could benefit your business, that's okay. We can chat and see if we're a good fit for your needs.

Reach out today here.

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